At least 72 hrs cancellation is required for your booked appointment. If you cancel outside of this you will have to pay another booking fee when rearranging your appointment.
If you do not attend the appointment and wish to rebook then the full amount will need to be paid at the time of rebooking.
The booking payments needs to be sent to myself at the time of agreeing your appointment with Anna, without this the appointment isn’t secured and can be released to someone on my waiting list.
If you attend your appointment and you have failed to adhere to the precare and I can not perform your treatment then you will be asked to rebook and the full amount will need to be paid at the time of rebooking.
I will see the signs of incorrect of non compliant post care , if the result of improper post care has a negative affect and a third session is required a further session will be needed which will cost £80.
An example of this is the negative effect that smoking has on lip tattooing. There is an open wound which is having nicotine, smoke and the cigarette coming into direct contact with it. These factors will cause dehydration to the area and the cigarette properties may well stunt the healing process and the pigment retention. I recommend to not smoke through the healing process.
The only people allowed in the treatment room are you and I. Please bring ear phones with you to listen to something relaxing, I am not being rude but I don’t talk when tattooing. I need to concentrate and when we talk it means your moving facial muscles and moving which in turn can jolt me.
Some skins are very sensitive and resistant which means a third session maybe needed. If this is the case there will be a small tray set up fee of £80.
Please do not attend your appointment if you are ill, not only is this unsafe your body will be more sensitive , healing maybe compromised, it’s not safe if you are coughing. I also have to safeguard myself from known germs and bacteria for my own health and for the health of my family.
Don’t worry it’s not all silence and regimented , you can get up for a stretch use the bath room and have breaks if/ when needed. I want you relax into it . Some of my client actually fall asleep during the tattooing phase, don’t mind me moving you around and I pre warn you I have to get close to you and this will involve leaning on you to anchor myself down. I will always check to make sure it’s ok with you first.
If I have to stop due to a client not being able to go ahead with the treatment( they are flinching, in a lot of discomfort and they request I stop then the booking fee will be retained and another booking fee will be needed to rework the area at a separate time.
If you have a cold sore breakout and need a 3rd session to achieve the desired healed result a fee of £80 will be required.